Repeat Prescriptions
Please order repeat prescriptions by any of the methods below:
- Online via Patient Services
- Online via our Repeat Prescription Request form
- Ticking the boxes of medications needed on your repeat slip and using the drop-in system
- Via a faxed request with all your personal details and medications needed, to 0161 983 0211
- Via postal request (please enclose a stamped addressed envelope)
- Via ordering directly through your chosen pharmacy who will request on your behalf
- Via email
Please note that telephone requests will only be accepted from patients who are housebound, elderly or disabled. Please do not phone for telephone requests until after 10:00.
Call 999 in an emergency. Chest pains and/or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.
Please allow 48 hours, excluding weekends and Bank Holidays, for your request to be processed. Any problems please telephone the surgery.
Prescription Fees
Extensive exemption and remission arrangements protect those likely to have difficulty in paying charges (NHS prescription and dental charges, optical and hospital travel costs).
The NHS prescription charge is a flat-rate amount which successive Governments have thought it reasonable to charge for those who can afford to pay for their medicines. Prescription prepayment certificates (PPCs) offer real savings for people who need extensive medication.
View the cost of prescriptions on the NHS website.
You can also find out if you are entitled to free prescriptions.